Triadge - Privacy Policy


  • In order to register, You must provide certain basic information about Yourself which includes name, sex, phone number, email ID, details of the organization etc.
  • You authorize Triadge International, its employees, consultants, partners and affiliates etc., operating on its behalf to use and/or disclose such information in accordance with relevant Laws.
  • Triadge International may disclose or transfer User Content information to its affiliates or governmental authorities in such manner as permitted or required by applicable laws, and You hereby consent to such transfer. If any of the User Content is found in violation of any law for the time being in force, Triadge International will comply with any duly-issued government or court directions to disable access to such User Content and Posted Information.
  • When the User provides his/her contact information viz. phone number, e-mail address, Facebook user name, Google Plus user name,personal Information etc., it is implied that Triadge International is permitted to send any communications to them via using such communication portals.
  • This clause is not exhaustive and is to be read along with the Privacy Policy made available to all the Users on the Triadge International Platforms.
  • The Personal Information shared by the User may be used by Triadge International for other marketing purposes such as sending university updates, scholarship information, our web portal updates etc.